On rare occasions, some online casinos will set your wagering limits based on your lowest amount wagered compared to your highest amount wagered. For example, if they say your maximum bet can be no greater than 5x your minimum bet whilst playing a bonus, then if your lowest bet was $5, your highest bet cannot be more than $25.
It’s definitely best not to forfeit your bonus by violating these rules. Again, you need to read through the Terms & Conditions thoroughly to see if any such rule exists.
The reason that a few casinos phrase the rule this way is so that higher limit bettors can enjoy making the big bets that they like without having the opportunity to structure the bets whilst playing a bonus.
Time Restrictions
Almost all online casinos say that a player’s account is considered, “Inactive,” after a certain number of days or months and such inactivity will cause the account to be closed and any balance forfeited. The reason that casinos have this rule is that they eventually need to be able casinosreview.ca/10-deposit to account for their money and usually, it’s just a player who stops playing with a few cents or only a couple of dollars in his/her account and doesn’t return. Continue reading